Monday 1 November 2010

29th Oct - 1st Nov '10: My Worst Day Ever, Halloween & Others.

29th Oct '10: My Worst Day Ever.


This photo comes with a story, I woke up at 9am and found my car windscreen smashed to shit outside my girlfriends house. Then a few hours later my car wouldn't start, so between us we pushed it down to the petrol station just down the road, where upon nearly getting in and misjudging my brakes, someone ran straight into the back of me as I rolled back down the hill. Then my car wouldn't start after trying everything, it took half an hour for us to realize that my fuel kill switch had clicked off which was stopping it running. :(

30th Oct '10: Halloween

31st Oct '10: Shooting Stars


1st Nov '10: Welcome to November, Now Clean Up.

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