Friday 24 September 2010

The Idea.

After browsing the app store on my iPhone the other day. I realised that it's actually become a very useful creative device. With apps like Hipstamatic and iTimeLapse and probably a lot more that I'm yet to come across. So I've decided that my aim is to load up something every day that I've created with the iPhone. Mostly photos and videos at the moment unless I discover something else that I can do with it too.

I'm going to try and write a bit about each one as well as I go, probably just a bit of background info.

Now I actually started this in my head about 4 days ago when I first downloaded these apps so there's a little backlog to start.

So here goes.

20th Sept '10

21st Sept '10

22nd Sept '10

23rd Sept '10

24th Sept '10

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